Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hey that's good!

These vitriolic ramblings will not help us. We are so far gone now. Entrenched in a situation that requires blunt action and enlightened thinking. There seems to be a lack of a solution at the moment. Let me propose one. Ignore the criminal government. Let's build our own White House. We can call it: the Black House. We will follow are own laws. They will be rational and just. There will be no need for automatic weapons. Anyone who refuses to abide by rational laws will not be a part of our system. They can go play with the criminal government. We can set up our own communities. Live by our own standards of excellence. Money and Power will no longer be an issue. No one will be "in charge". The mantra of our new society is this: Respect everything. That's what it comes down to. Without respect, our current society will continue to devolve into oblivion. Oblivion is not the destiny of our new society. Triumph over malice, hatred, prejudice, and fear. That is our true destiny.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like "the new federalist papers". Just one problem, if automatics are outlawed in this new utopia . . . how could there be any hope of overthrowing those in power? If there was to be a revolution, it would have to be a bloody one.

- Kevin

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Hoot said...

Aha, but there won't have to be any blood if new communities are setup outside of the "industrialized" world. Why would the feds care if a bunch of "stinky hippies" want their own community. We can bring cameras to show the world what happens when violence is met by peace. If they kill off unarmed citizens, they will be fueling their own demise. Send that shit to the world and let people know that the powers that be are not powerful at all. They're so fucking weak they have to come at peaceful citizens with automatic weapons. We can destory with words and understanding. Damn, that's fucking good. I'm on a roll this week.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's to say the powers that be couldn't use the popular media to demonize the rebels? They could wag the dog.

Also, if one were to step outside the "industrialized world" wouldn't they just end up in Canada or New Mexico and be subject to a new power that is equally or more abusive?

- Kevin

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Hoot said...

What new power would that be? The power of Mother Nature? They won't be able to demonize dissidents in the media if the dissidents are the media. This is media Kevin. All blog posts are media. It's no longer subject to a central control. The only minds they can control are the ones who watch television and are subjected to massive propaganda campaigns intended to spin truth and accept lies. If those people can't see through that, they don't get to play with us. Call it a weeding-out process if you will. What's with this violence shit anyways dude? Don't you know that's exactly what they want us to do? Resort to violence that is. Fuck that. I'm not going to their Haliburton-KBR built gulags. This is not to say I don't believe in the right to defend myslef. I've done nothing wrong and and have every right under the Constitution as an American citizen. If they take away those rights, this process will engage to warp speed.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our constitutional rights were taken away, no amount of rhetoric or martyrdom would bring them back. The revolution would indeed have to be hardfought and bloody.

You can raise John Lennon from the dead and have him sing imagine on all of the major networks until he's red in the face.

There would have to blood, citizens in arms storming the capitol.


At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean . . .

There would have to be blood. Citizens in arms storming the capitol.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Hoot said...

That's what I meant. All bets would be off. As it stands though, I think violence would be a mistake at this phase. Besides, it's easy to talk big shit about "storming the capitol" or whatever but to take action on beliefs in much harder, not to mention dangerous. If you're going to accuse someone of a crime, you better be goddammed sure you can prove it, otherwise you'll come away with no progress, not to mention a sore asshole.

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If my constitutional rights were taken away I wouldn't be the only one storming the capitol. The average American would be as disgusted as you or me.

I'm not talking big shit either, if my rights were taken away I'd stand up for them and with a collective group of concerned citizens take them back using force. Wouldn't you? They are our inalienable rights and essential liberties.

Violence wouldn't be a mistake. It wouldn't even be a choice. Passive resistance? Make ourselves martyrs to play on the heartstrings of who? Noone.

Prove it? Like it would be under debate whether or not our rights were taken away? If our rights were taken away we'd know it by the first infringement.

- Kevin

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Hoot said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm aware of the "new watergate" and the patriot acts. I also was fully aware that you would reference them in reply. The thing is . . . they didn't infringe on the rights of average people like you or me. They were probing people who were already suspect.

"You can still wake up and say whatever you think, worship whatever you want, and go anywhere in the world. That's not so bad really."

I'd say it's the definition of freedom and the confirmation that my constitutional rights are intact.

- Kevin

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Hoot said...

The NSA monitors everyone, all at once. Computers data mine telecommunications and internet "chatter". If you don't believe me, seriously talk about blowing up a building and wait for a knock.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't think people seriously contemplating blowing up buildings should be interrogated?

At 3:30 AM, Blogger Hoot said...

I didn't say that, you're twisting my words. I was trying to prove to my firend that every call is monitored, not just suspects. I don't think anyone should blow up buildings. I don't agree with monitoring everyone because it could lead to abuse, psychological and otherwise. How far do you take this? Are we to make a profile on every living being? Then be able to predict their movements? Then their thoughts? I guess that's what we're really deciding here. Do we take away everyone's right to privacy because of some hidden threat?

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look for key words, that's all. Words like bomb, assasinate, hijack, deka derka Mohammed jihad, pipe bomb and turbin. jk.

They're not gonna kick my door down because I look at porn or have an opinion on something.

They're just machines that look for possibly dangerous patterns. For our own good. For our own protection. Just like cops, did I just say that? Yes, cops generally protect and serve. There ARE some crooked cops, but there's some crooked dentists as well.

I'm completely comfortable knowing that everything I type is being monitered. I'm especially comfortable knowing that everything some Johnny-wannabe- unabomber types is being monitered as well.

It's not an infringement on our constitutional rights.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

-that was me again - Kevin

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha one of your comments got taken out by the blog administrator. Somebody's trying to be cute.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Hoot said...

Nah, I took that out. It was my own comment I accidentally posted under a different blog name that I didn't want anyone to see.

Glad to see there are known unknowns around here.

Kevin, you are comfortable knowing that everything you do can be monitored? May I offer you a shiny microchip? You'll never have to use cash or identify yourself again!

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love that.

Honestly. I hate dealing with cash and having to carry my ID on me all the time, it's so much hassle. I wish if a cop pulled me over I could let him scan me or if I was at the grocery store I could just take a quick scan.

Homeless people would be forced to get jobs, unless there was a way to transfer credit through telepathy.

But the public wouldn't embrace that kind of technology at all. It's too much of a sci-fi nightmare.

- Kevin


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