Things are really beginning to fall apart. Anyone who just watches television and never checks out alternative media sources on the internet has no idea what is happening. Our country is being systematically drained of its wealth, morals, health, stability, and everything else in between. How can we stop this? It is clear to me that the emperor wears no clothes. When is the rest of the country, or the world for that matter, going to figure out that a world run by money and feudal lords is nothing more than a plantation for the global elite? We are being commidified. I don't worry about death anymore. Death would be a hell of a lot easier. I'm actually expecting it. I don't think the human race is going to make it through this one. Oh wait, 20% will, they'll be underground or in Australia. It's almost coming to the point where I want it to happen. "THE EXPERIEMENT DIDN'T WORK" . Time to start over retards, try again, you need a more sustainable system. Stop killing each other, stop exploiting human and natural resources, work together, we can survive if we stop trying to compete. That's the only option: Work together or "cleanse" the whole fucking thing.