Sunday, May 22, 2005

digital consciousness

This is the real shit.

I've always thought that this will be the future. It's good to know that this famous futurologist guy thinks so too.

Taken from a different blog that I write in:

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
a man can dream can't he?
You idiots, there's nothing left for you in this world. Let's start a new one. I want to digitize this shit right now. Come on you fucking scientist bastards, do it. I want to live in that virtual world. This has got to happen soon. I hope it's before my brain matter and therefore consciousness is completely destroyed. Am I a bad human being or just a premature cyborg?

Monday, May 09, 2005

secrets of aging

I don't really want to live forever

The Times of India is killer. If this technology is real, only rich, megalomaniac people would have access to it. We can't have you savages living forever.